Chapter 2: Jurgis talked lightly about work, because he was young.
Chapter 3: In his capacity as delicatessen vender, Jokubas Szedvilas had many acquaintances.
Chapter 4: Promptly at seven the next morning Jurgis reported for work.
Chapter 5: They had bought their home.
Chapter 6: Jurgis and Ona were very much in love; they had waited a long time--
Chapter 7: All summer long the family toiled, and in the fall they had money enough for Jurgis and Ona to be married....
Chapter 8: Yet even by this deadly winter the germ of hope was not to be kept from sprouting in their hearts.
Chapter 9: One of the first consequences of the discovery of the union was that Jurgis became desirous of learning English.
Chapter 10: During the early part of the winter the family had had money enough to live and a little over to pay their debts with....
Chapter 11: During the summer the packing houses were in full activity again, and Jurgis made more money.
Chapter 12: For three weeks after his injury Jurgis never got up from bed.
Chapter 13: During this time that Jurgis was looking for work occurred the death of little Kristoforas....
Chapter 14: With one member trimming beef in a cannery, and another working in a sausage factory, the family had a first-hand knowledge of the great majority of Packingtown swindles.
Chapter 15: The beginning of these perplexing things was in the summer....
Chapter 16: When Jurgis got up again he went quietly enough.
Chapter 17: At seven o'clock the next morning Jurgis was let out to get water to wash his cell....
Chapter 18: Jurgis did not get out of the Bridewell quite as soon as he had.
Chapter 19: "Madame Haupt, Hebamme, ran a sign, swinging from a second-story window over a saloon on the avenue...."
Chapter 20: But a big man cannot stay drunk very long on three dollars.
Chapter 21: That was the way they did it! There was not half an hour's warning--the works were closed!
Chapter 22: Jurgis took the news in a peculiar way. He turned deadly pale....
Chapter 23: Early in the fall Jurgis set out for Chicago again.
Chapter 24: In the face of all his handicaps, Jurgis was obliged to make the price of a lodging, and of a drink every hour or two, under penalty of freezing to death.
Chapter 25: Jurgis got up, wild with rage, but the door was shut and the great castle was dark and impregnable.
Chapter 26: After the elections Jurgis stayed on in Packingtown and kept his job.
Chapter 27: Poor Jurgis was now an outcast and a tramp once more.
Chapter 28: After breakfast Jurgis was driven to the court, which was crowded with the prisoners....
Chapter 29: The man had gone back to a seat upon the platform, and Jurgis realized that his speech was over.
Chapter 30: Jurgis had breakfast with Ostrinski and his family, and then he went home to Elzbieta.